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A Moveable Theatre was founded by Julia Johnson and Terry Hansen in Sydney in 1990.

It is an impressive young company, with goals that are unashamedly Brechtian. This means it wants to deal realistically, but not in a naturalistic form, with modern issues.”

- The Australian

Our Premiere Season of Manfred Karge’s CONQUEST OF THE SOUTH POLE was funded by the Australia Council to Tour Q Theatre and Labour Market Programs throughout Greater Sydney. Two and a half thousand traditional non-theatre goers attended these performances with their tickets paid as part of their support coping with long term unemployment.

The language is sometimes spicy and the dialogue rapid-fire, but Conquest very efficiently comes face to face with the issue of long-term unemployment and put it in it’s place.

- Sunday Telegraph

Throughout the next decade, AMT Produced over thirty children’s theatre seasons for the
Sydney Opera House Bennelong Program, Sydney Cove Authority at The Rocks and for the Royal Botanic Gardens Education Unit where we were resident in school holidays for three years.

The actors tell their story with great clarity. Their language is simple, well gauged but never childish. They play with words, sounds and rhymes. And the word they have most fun with is, not surprisingly, Rumpelstiltzkin.”

- Pamela Payne, The Sun Herald

The Company focused on a narrative style of theatre that combined storytelling with live
action to produce our own adaptations of Voltaire’s CANDIDE at Belvoir Street as well as
LOVE AND INFIDELITY – Five French Love Stories by Guy de Maupassant at Logues Restaurant. 
Our adaptation of John Marsden’s First Novel SO MUCH TO TELL YOU toured theatres in Greater Sydney and then New South Wales and Victoria for Young Australia Workshop.

"SO MUCH TO TELL YOU is that rare theatrical conjuration: a play for young teenagers that kicks through the age barrier. The story might be grim, but SO MUCH TO TELL YOU is alive with energy and generous humanity."

- Sun Herald

"Rather it is intense, sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet, sometimes funny and – most times – it is moving."

Daily Telegraph

A Moveable Theatre relaunched itself with Chloe Moss’ THIS WIDE NIGHT at BackDock Arts after being informed by and endorsed by the women completing a sentence or recently released and their support workers in our women’s prison workshop performances.

"Gut wrenching and commandingly performed"

– Theatre Haus

"Intense and Inspiring"

– Trent Dalton, (Author of BOY SWALLOWS UNIVERSE)

"This is physical theatre meant to frighten and thrill"

- Barry Stone (@historyandphilosophy)

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